Flash in the Pan

When you hear the word Start-up, what do you think of?  Lots of venture capital raised quickly to create showy products that cater to a niche market? Almost daily we see the demise of these companies in the news and the reality of the “Fail Fast” model.  But this is not true for all start-ups, such as Evernote which opened in 2004. The company is currently facing the harsh reality of two options: slow death or a complete makeover. Erin Griffith for the New York Times offers a detailed look at Evernote as an example of a long standing, 15 years, start-up in her article, A Unicorn Lost in the Valley, Evernote Blows Up the ‘Fail Fast’ Gospel.

Join The Crowd

11702568145_b7f43c0083_bEver seen the internet ad for ThingCharger?  A current, large-scale crowd-funding campaign that promises a space saving, re-charge station for all kinds of electronic devices. These offers appear in your inbox and all over the internet, urging you to share your wealth for inventive ideas and charitable causes.  On the opposite side of the spectrum from funds seeking venture capital, are sites such as YouCaring, an online compassionate crowd-funding community. Check it out today and see all the ways you can make a difference in the world!

Want to start your own crowd funding site?  Try this article.
19 Psychological Tactics for Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns