Join The Crowd

11702568145_b7f43c0083_bEver seen the internet ad for ThingCharger?  A current, large-scale crowd-funding campaign that promises a space saving, re-charge station for all kinds of electronic devices. These offers appear in your inbox and all over the internet, urging you to share your wealth for inventive ideas and charitable causes.  On the opposite side of the spectrum from funds seeking venture capital, are sites such as YouCaring, an online compassionate crowd-funding community. Check it out today and see all the ways you can make a difference in the world!

Want to start your own crowd funding site?  Try this article.
19 Psychological Tactics for Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns

Everybody’s Doing It!



So why haven’t you?  You’ve seen it all over Facebook and Instagram and now it’s your turn.  Been challenged yet?  Well get out the ice bucket and your credit card and do both.  Just like these girls who recently finished not only a bucket of ice water on their heads, but a splash into an icy pool.  Social media is changing the way we give, and lowering the age on philanthropy.  Why are you still reading this?  Open the freezer, grab your bucket and get going, because everybody’s doing it.  Better hurry or you’re going to get left behind!

Ice Bucket Challenge Raises Millions To Fight ALS