Resolution: Budget

10406828_10204323318941932_2429536167767405500_nIs one of your New Year’s goals to better manage your money?  Do you often find yourself stressed about your budget, or lack there of?  Want to make a real go of saving, paying-off debt and creating financial solvency?  Stephen B. Smith for Young Money offers nine suggestions to better manage your finances and to achieve your goals.  9 Nifty New Year’s Resolutions .

May you have health, wealth and happiness in 2017. 

Texas, 529 College Savings Day

tcsp-logoCollege is not always the first thing that comes to mind when you are preparing to have a baby.  But it’s amazing how fast the years go as your child grows, and how just a little preparation can ease any transition in your life.  Today is 529 College Savings Day, in Texas.  Click Here to find out more about the plans Texas offers and take a step toward your child’s future!