Super committee: Let Bush tax cuts expire and your work will be done –

Super committee: Let Bush tax cuts expire and your work will be done –

President Obama extended the Bush tax cuts through December 2012.  These tax cuts are costing the Treasury $11.6 million dollars PER HOUR.  The alternative view is that tax dollars are taxpayer dollars, not government dollars, and we need to cut spending.


A record number of Americans — 49.1 million — are poor, based on a new census measure that for the first time takes into account rising medical costs and other expenses.

The numbers released Monday are part of a first-ever supplemental poverty measure aimed at providing a fuller picture of poverty. Although considered experimental, they promise to stir fresh debate over Social Security, Medicare and programs to help the poor as a congressional supercommittee nears a Nov. 23 deadline to make more than $1 trillion in cuts to the federal budget.  (Washington Post)

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