Point, Click, Order!

QR codes have been with us since the early 2000s. In the beginning, they appeared on products and signs often in the grocery store and phones required an Ap to read them. Enter the global pandemic and QR codes found a re-birth in the restaurant business. Needing to supply menus to patrons and trying to reduce contact, the QR code was the perfect way to solve this problem. Now that you simply point your phone’s camera at the code, click the link, and peruse the menu, restaurant owners and clients both feel they are here to stay. “Touchpoint reduction is now the key in many industries for health reasons. I imagine that something else will come along to further QR technology in the future, but for now its usage is increasing, including in the restaurant industry,” Nyheim says. “You know when you last wiped down your own phone.”

Restaurants and Diners Agree: QR Codes Are Here to Stay

No Cash? No Problem.

Stamp with text no cash accepted inside, vector illustrationHow would you feel about this sign at your favorite restaurant?  Going cashless is the latest tactic some businesses are employing in an attempt to streamline their process.  Not all patrons are happy about this practice and some have been so vocal against it that stores have amended their policies.  It’s a fascinating thought that we have made the full circle back to credit/debit cards.

Where a Suitcase Full of Cash Won’t Buy You Lunch