Retirement Ready?

Does the thought of retirement make you nervous or are you still in the stage where you’re throwing out all the mail you get from AARP?  Peter Finch for the New York Times offers a detailed, five-year plan to help you prepare.  Finch explores the process by breaking each year down into easy steps, ranging from calculating self-worth/future needs, to recognizing health insurance options, investigating reverse mortgages, and considering long term care.

Countdown to Retirement: A Five-Year Plan

Health Care Free Market?

Exactly what does it mean to have a health care free market? According to Farzon A. Nahvi for the New York Times, it would involve an adjustment in our sensibilities about life and death.  He based this assessment on the patients sent to his ER by well meaning bystanders who called EMS when they found people unconscious on the street.  As a community are we prepared to look the other way and not try to help?

Don’t Leave Health Care to a Free Market

Close to Retirement? Questions to Ask Now

Health Insurance 3d concept illustration



Do you know at what age you will become eligible for medicare?  What is your sign-up       window, and can you defer enrollment if you are still working and covered by an employer insurance plan?  Turns out, knowing these answers is very important and may save you a good deal of money in the long run.


Ten Tips for Advising Clients About Medicare