To Buy or Not To Buy

How closely do you monitor your personal spending?  Are you worried that every cup of coffee may break the bank?  Tim Hererra for the New York Times has some great advice and encouragement for you.  Check out his article, Here’s Some Money Advice: Just Buy the Coffee, and for more budgeting with “big picture” finance tips try their  7-day Money Challenge.

Fire Up The Grill?

coffeecoalsDid you know that America throws out literally tons of coffee grounds per day?  Rich Bruins, a once college minister who took a group of students on mission to Guatemala, a huge coffee producer, discovered  a way to re-make parts of the coffee waste.  With some slight changes, he has brought his idea to the US in the form of Coffee Coals, which outperform charcoal in ignition and BTUs.  Want to know more, check out the whole article, This Morning’s Coffee Grounds Could Be the Fuel to Cook Tonight’s Dinner.  Ever imagine that coffee would fuel more than your caffeine addiction?

We’ve Possibly Reached The “Tipping Point”

photo-4When was the last time you were prompted to give a large tip for a small purchase?  Ever notice how the opposable iPads gently nudge you toward a higher amount?  Where is the line between food cost and tip requirement and are the foodservice industry wages in need of an overhaul?  I don’t know about you, but the other day when I left a three dollar tip for a five dollar pot of tea, I wondered.

$3 Tip on a $4 Cup of Coffee? Gratuities Grow, Automatically